Subwoofers |
Construction of
the new console started out by first building two subwoofers as I
needed them to be used with the test console. There are many theories
about how to build subwoofers and different types, but I decided to go with Owen Jones
18" TL Dearth Varder! Plans are available from his website however for
me they were too tall to fit into position in my theatre room where I
would eventually house the organ. I needed to make the height smaller
but keep the same volume and port length. Fortunately there are some
very good Android apps available from car audio makers for your phone.
Enter your speaker specification and port length etc. it will help you
calculate your box size. |
The box is made
from 32mm MDF so it is strong, won't rattle or come apart. One side
has been made to be removable using a silicone gasket. I applied
silicone to one surface, laid a sheet of gladwrap over the top,
put the top in place and screwed it down enough so not too much
squished out.I let it dry, took the lid off and removed the gladwrap.
I choose the Eminence DEFINIMAX 4018LF 18" speaker driver for this
project |
ROXYtheVirtual Theatre
Pipe Organ Console |
I used two sets of
plans available when coming up with my design.
Owen Jones and
BarryTech. There are lots of ideas to consider and I
looked over as many theatre organs photos as possible to get ideas to
personalize my project. My organ is built to comply with the AGO
specification and can be downloaded
here. |
I decided to
build all panels from MDF, applying a 3mm ply veneer to get a
nice grain. Sides and bottoms are made in 6 pieces |
Side Pieces two
510x660 are required only 1 shown |
Outside RH side |
Inside LH side |
Inside LH side
finished |
Formwood ply
used for base bolted and fixed by steel angle and strengthened
with triangles. Formwood angled at the top for added strength. |